A FEW Of Our Client Success Stories
Wow, 65 pages of testimonials … And honestly, these are NOT even close to all the client success stories I’ve received over the last decade. I continue to get emails and calls every week from regular folks who beat their gout using the SAME information I’m about to share with you.
After publishing 65 pages worth of these stories, it started to feel a bit like bragging! 😉
But I do encourage you to take a minute to scroll and read at least a FEW of them.
I suspect you’ll hear and “see” yourself in these stories. Also, if you are a caregiver trying to help someone with gout, be sure to as well!
Your tips can benefit anyone with gout!
Thank you Bert, I’ve come a long way. You helped a lot. I was a little goofy there for a while and had a number of physical problems. But gout hasn’t been one of them. Frankly your tips can benefit anyone. They are wise and sensible solutions to an overall better life. You are what you eat, breathe and how you sleep. I learned that from you. I heard it a hundred times before you, but I truly learned it from you..
Thank you Bert.
Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction!
Hi Bert, thanks again for pointing me the right way, my life is a lot different now than a year ago.
We are gout fighting warriors!
Thank you Bert. What you are doing means so much to me. I have difficulty expressing, in words, how much I feel your thoughts and efforts change the world.We are gout fighting warriors! Thank you brother!
I truly appreciate everything you are doing for me!
I know you don’t know me and I wanted to thank you for your time, your efforts, and suggestions in helping me overcome this and hopefully ending these flare ups once and for all. I truly appreciate everything you are doing for me.
I’m doing great, thanks to you!
Hi!! Wanted to update you on things. I am doing great! Been drinking my tea, taking epsom salt baths and keeping my ph balanced. Drinking lots of water and eating right (except for the cake and a few Filipino food treats on my daughter’s 18th bday last week). I haven’t had to use a walker OR cane and I am just so happy right now. Losing weight slowly and no more fast/junk food. Thank you again so much for taking the time last month to help me. I swear my life has changed and I don’t want to go back to the way it was again.
I’m 90% fixed… thanks a heap!
Hi Bert, at the moment I’m about 90% fixed, hope you can help me more looking forward to hearing from you. THANKS A HEAP
What a difference!
Hey Bert, I have been on an alkalizing kick since my bout with gout. I feel great all over and lost weight, to boot. I took what you said and magnified it and applied it to my situation. I had to give up some dead end pleasures and replace them with forward thinking improvements. What a difference it made. Thanks for getting me on the right path to recovery and reversal.
99% clear of gout!
Your FORMULA worked and my new joint is 99% clear of gout crystals
What you suggested really worked!
Hi Bert, Yep, I’ve lost that email! I wanted to watch again the sections on sleep and stress and water. I have been going great with diet, no more junk food for me. The other day I got a bit of an ache in my joint, the first one since I did your program. Back then I had it in both feet, ankles, and knees, so I know what you suggested really works. Thanks for the phone conversation back then too, it was good to talk with someone who has been there and done that, and is not just selling the tablets like my Dr. was trying to do to me. If you could send me that email again I would really appreciate it, and I will file it better this time! Thanks once again Bert, I hope life is treating you well.
Thank you Bert..
Thank you Bert, your posts keep me on y toes (no pun intended) about the do’s and don’ts daily… Great information…
You know I’ve been almost gout free since I found you..
You know I’ve been almost gout free since I found you. Between your straight up advice, your website, and research on the web, I think we got me under control, before I got some serious damage. I just wish I could have downloaded your book on this smart phone of mine. I’ve added a lot of alkalizing foods to my diet, but have not eliminated anything, except maybe portion sizes. The Meat Cleaver is alkalizing, just do it and never give up, praise the Lord for you, I hope he has provided your a good and prosperous life, for your help to mankind.
You are doing amazing work to help people…
Hi Bert, I just wanted to send you a quick note and tell you that these emails are greatly appreciated. Your doing amazing work to help people.
Your book is awesome! I’m a big fan!
Hey Bert, I love reading about all the knowledge you know; it’s pretty much changed my mind frame about things. I don’t get gout all the time, it comes now and then, but your book is awesome! I’m a big fan! You are The Man!
I appreciate all your help…
Bert, just a note to say I appreciate your follow up emails. It keeps reminding me of the lifestyle changes to keep in place to avoid the F-ing gout.
I wish I’d known this 12 years ago!
I liked watching the videos best, all I can say is that your info works, I kicked the shit out of the gout! I wish I would have know how 12 years ago.
Great info!
Dude! Great and timely info! Thanks for the heads up – my holiday will be gout free, and I hope yours will be gout free and ENJOYABLE!
I stayed gout-free during my trip overseas!
Bert, I believe the increased daily hydration is the single most significant change in my being almost complexity gout attack free in the past couple of months!! Thank for THAT and all the other good habits and mindfulness you’ve instilled! I stayed gout free during my trip overseas and all of you suggestions were helpful and contributed.
I enjoyed the course, learned a lot!
Hey Bert, good to hear from you. I appreciate the emails and will continue to read all of them. I enjoyed the course, learned a lot, and have been doing much better after making some changes. I need to do the coaching session in the near future. Thanks for the reminder.
What you suggested really works!
Hi Bert, the other day I got a bit of an ache in my joint,the first one since I did your program. Back then I had it in both feet, ankles, and knees, so I know what you suggested really works. Thanks for the phone conversation back then too,it was good to talk with someone who has been there and done that,and is not just selling the tablets like my Dr. was trying to do to me.
I haven’t had an attack in over a YEAR!
Bert, FYI, with your help I haven’t had an attack of that nasty cursed painful devil known as the gout for over a year!!! Thanks and be safe.
I began to recover… much to my delight!
Hello Bert, having been having a prolonged gout attack that lasted an unprecedented two months (!!!) I was not optimistic about your thoughts on gout. But the price was right for the remedy and to my great delight I slowly began to recover so that upon returning home, my right foot was almost back to normal. Thanks for your contribution!
I finished all the session and I’m doing GREAT!
Bert, Thank you so much for all of the valuable information! I finished all of the sessions and am doing GREAT!
It worked… thank you for helping me get rid of the pain!
Hello Bert, I followed the four hour recipe to help the pain. It worked, since then, it has all disappeared. I had never heard of gout in the elbow. That was my second bout of gout. In the big toe and the elbow. Horrible.
I do want to get rid of it completely. I believe that exercise and diet are probably the key factors. I can’t buy it yet, but I do want to. Thank you Bert for helping me get rid of the pain, I did not want to take any pills again.
Love ya… thank you!
Hey Bert, we love ya and appreciate your dedicated quest to give the suffering some relief and removing a lot of the fear, now i know I can really fight back, I don’t have to lay there and just take it anymore.
You score a 10 for all the research and investing…
Bert, I could not ask for better information, you score a 10 for all the research and investing your time to help us Gouty’s.Thank you.I’m armed with knowledge that I wouldn’t have had if It weren’t for you..Thank you! Written or webcasts are fine with me.
You’ve saved us so much money on prescriptions!
Hi Bert, long time no talk hope the wars of gout are smashing it I’d like to say your feedbacks and emails have helped me greatly to the point where I have not had a attack for 5 months and its going great I have passed on your notes and all to a friend who suffered badly and since feb to now he has had no attacks training together and both of us are very grateful for your info, keep up the good work Bert beloved me when I say you have saved us and our money on the amount of prescriptions we were having to get from our doctors, thank you very much from our hearts u are the Master Killer gout Saviour
Cheers Lorraine
It has been over a year since I’ve had an attack.
Hi Bert, sorry that our Guru had to go through running to a store to get your Magic Potion to hold off the enemy. But you knew just what to do. Since I’m retired, I don’t do a lot of traveling, so when I’ve had a problem it has been at home. Since I’ve followed your advice and lost weight and modified my diet, it has been over a year since I’ve had an attrack! With your advice I will even have some lobster tail when our son comes to visit from LA.
The swelling has gone down!
Hey Bert, the whole process has helped me. Not only that putting into practice with correct water and hydration, the regular addition of Apple cider vin, and meal planning has dropped weight and created a better lifestyle. I still have some knee pain but most swelling has gone down and it gets a bit better everyday.
Wish I’d known all this YEARS AGO!
Darn… Wish I knew all of this info many years ago..Everything makes so much sense. Dork I have been for sure.LOL I cleaned homes for about 40 years using the chemicals they wanted me to use to keep their homes clean. I wore my body out and have suffered the consequences of the chosen profession.I have had butt loads of stress all my life,ate crappy foods.Never paid much attention to what organic foods offered..Just thought they were over priced so continued to eat garbage.I know now to skimp on other things to go organic in everything.I love our little natural foods store here in Montrose and when I lived in Co Springs I shopped at Wild Oats and Whole Foods. I chuckle right along with you in the sessions and you have a way of using cuss words that tickle my funny bone.The pics are priceless and last but not least my African grey laughs when you scream because I’m laughing! Laughter is good medicine! Thank you,Thank You for all the info and I will go over and over the sessions from time to time to laugh and refresh my memory.Remember I’m 71 next month and short term memory is not my best thing. No I don’t do Wacky Tobacky! He He (Grins)Till next time Bert…
I have been gout free since 2012!
Thank you so much, I have been gout free since August, 2012. You will never know how much I appreciate you and your research to help others. I have referred you to many people. Even those without gout, but other heath problems. After all, it is a total body wellness. Thank you, thank you thank you.
I’m happy to have you as my gout coach..
I’m happy to have you as my gout coach. I really needed the support. There are not too many of us out there and the ones that are prefer to just rely on drugs. That is why I felt so alone in my struggle. After reviewing your Session on movement I had an epiphany when you said how acidic a body can get after over exertion. Then I though to myself the last two times I felt gouty was after working out waaay too hard. But, I never actually made the correlation. I just thought lactic acid and uric acid were two different things and were not related in terms of gout. I have learned to moderate my workouts to about an hour and I just did yoga last night. I felt good and was able to sleep good last night. Usually I worked out hard for like 3-4 hours, totally red-lined it, then would feel super hungry after 4 hours. I would eat a small meal, then would try to ignore my hunger cravings for another few hours, then I would just pig out and stay up all night cuz my body can’t relax from all the adrenaline still in my body. In retrospect it seemed extremely counterintuitive when my goal was to be healthier and prevent gout. I am so happy to have you as my personal gout coach. Life is hard enough as is, and when you add gout on top of that it can get too damn overwhelming. It is hard enough to do it alone, but knowing I have you on my side gives me a great sigh of relief and more confidence that I can finally succeed.
You are the BOMB! Thanks for the help!
Bert, you are the BOMB!!! I am on it! Thanks for the help!
Thanks, I’m FREE of gout!
Hey Bert, thanks, I’m moving thru the sessions (just did 2). I’m really enjoying the material, the tips, the food and I’m free of gout! I’ll keep on moving.
~ John
My gout is subsiding now! Thank you!
Thanks Bert, my gout is subsiding now and working on your program, I am feeling better about my self and the getting the gout out of my life is a bonus, I am 52 and had my 1st attack 7 years ago and the last 3 attacks in the last year.
So I can see as I read in you book that it only gets worse if I don’t stop it no!
I am a avvid fisherman and lobsterman , and don’t want to give up any of my hobbies. Thanks for your help.
I’ve gotten my money’s worth many times over, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Hi Bert! I want to thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart for all that you do as The Gout Killer! You are THE MAN!!! I’m sure that you are very busy with a lot of clients and as such probably vaguely remember me if at all.
I purchased your “quick fix remedy” and your long term gout killing program on Wednesday, February 27, 2013. On that fateful day I was at the end of my wits suffering from my most painful and longest lasting gout attack (it had lasted from December 23, 2012 through February 27, 2013).
I had gout on both knees, both ankles, and all ten toes. I was honest-to-God contemplating chopping my feet and legs off just to get some relief. While at work I somehow managed to find your website, I opened an account and purchased the information I mentioned above. After work I hobbled to my local grocery store and purchased baking soda and apple cider vinegar. When I arrived at home it dawned on me that ALL of the information that I had purchased earlier in the day was stored on my computer at work! I was so close to feeling better, but yet so far. That was when I called you out of total desperation!
Thankfully, you answered your phone and helped me log into my account from home. Your “quick fix” information stated that my gout would be gone in 2 to 4 hours. To be honest I didn’t believe that my gout could disappear in such a short time, since my gout normally takes 2 to 3 days to subside while using my liver damaging prescription medication. I drank the recommended dosages of baking soda and water, and apple cider vinegar and water at your recommended intervals. With God as my witness, the gout on both knees, both ankles and all ten toes almost totally disappeared by the 2nd hour! I was utterly astonished! How was this possible? By the 6th hour, it was history!
I continued educating myself with your online video sessions and with your written manuals. I found them to be very informative and entertaining, very thorough, comprehensive and eye-opening, but best of all very short and sweet! I have since made many changes to my daily drinking and eating habits in an effort to alkalize my body. I drink a lot of alkaline ionized water. I’ve cut back on my coffee and soda intake. I’ve been eating less beef and pork, and more fresh organic vegetables. I pay more attention to my mood swings, and try my best not to get all upset and acidic! I’ve been paying more attention to my breathing, ensuring that they’re deep and cleansing. I’ve been getting to bed earlier to give my body the best chance to heal itself and to rid itself of the acidic waste. I’m also seriously contemplating going to a sleep apnea clinic in the very near future to get myself checked out.
Overall, I feel great! My joints are slowly but surely becoming pain-free. I hadn’t realized how much residual pain I had become accustomed to. Even when my gout attacks subsided, I’ve always had these “leftover” nagging pains in my joints that never seemed to go away. I had resigned myself into thinking that it was going to be that way for the rest of my life. I’ve noticed that these lingering pains are slowly disappearing as well. My joints haven’t felt this good in at least twenty years. My very first gout attack occurred in 1988.
I found both the webcasts and the written manuals to be of equal importance. I think they’re excellent as-is. I wouldn’t change a thing. I think you did an extraordinary job in putting your “system” together. It is quite evident that a lot of thought, research and experience went into designing your system. Without exaggerating this may be the most valuable item I have ever purchased. I feel that I’ve gotten my money’s worth many times over. I think that your system would be well worth its value even if it had sold for a couple hundred dollars.
To be perfectly honest there is one very small almost infinitesimal thing that I would perhaps consider revising. If anything, I would consider maybe “cleaning up” some of the “expletives”, or maybe choosing to use expletives that are a little more politically correct. Personally, I found your presentation style to be very entertaining and enjoyable. In fact, I think that the colorful portions are the BEST portions! The more the merrier! However, in my efforts to share your system with others I have come across a handful of people in the past few weeks who have been borderline mortified by some of the colorful language. My only guess is that they’re sheltered childhood upbringing has resulted in moral values that are somewhat less unorthodox, less accepting as my own. These people are all gout sufferers as well who would undoubtedly benefit immensely from your system. However, they find the colorful language to be somewhat offensive, and for that they’re willing to throw out the baby with the bath water!
Thanks again, Bert! You are my hero!
You are the “go to” person for gout!
Seems you have really gotten into this. It’s a disease nobody really knows about. You are becoming the ‘go to’ person about Gout. Thanks so much.
Really appreciate every thing you are doing in helping gout..
Hello there Bert
Really appreciate every thing you are doing in helping gout sufferers understand and treat there condition. Like your self I to have gone through the mill with really painful gout attacks and watching gouty tophi lumps sprout up all over the place leading to the surgical removal of large gouty tophi lumps from my elbows. Despite becoming a vegitarian ten years ago meaning my protine and purine intake is pretty low I still suffer from (though not as severe )gout attacks. The tophi lumps are returning in my elbows and I now cannot clench my fist compleatly on my left hand which is worrying. I stopped taking alopathic medicine ie alopurinol and diklofenick a few years ago opting for more natural treatments like apple cider vin and cherry , baking soda etc . These I find are useful in treating the symptoms and halting the onset of a full gout attack. you have stated it is important to try to discover the causative factor and in my efforts to do this I have come to the conclusions that I may have a fungal problem and also that my kidneys are not filteringWhich causing my lymphatic system to back up leading to high acidosis . I am to begin a program of herbs for the elimination of fungal and parasites and a raw food and juice fast to try and deal with the acidosis . I will let you know the results . Once again your web and YouTube sites are a real companion for me while I am on this path to beating this condition. Keep up the great work .
I’m fully armed to DEFEAT GOUT!
I have started my battle, I’m going from having gout attacks to attacking the #gout, from the website I am now fully armed with the knowledge to defeat the monster that lurks with in.
I have swallowed my last allopurinol!
Hi Bert, I have given up on the allopurinol and all those pills I was swallowing last year it’s been great. I also have taken note of the food table you have on your site I wish to add that I eat the foods that are on the table… I weigh in now at 110 kg and my pants size has dropped from 125 cm to 110 keep your posts comin it’s been great and helps me understand BEATIN DOWN THE GOUT…..
One day I will be worthy!!..
I didn’t wanna alarm ya Bert… But… Just beat one back…. No foolin, hurt like a muthaf%cka too… Turns out, me and absinthe don’t mix… But water water water, cherry juice and Advil will kick ass eventually…. I love your work big guy… One day I will be worthy!!
No major flare ups, plus I lost 30lbs!
Hi Bert, Just wanted to check in and let you know things are going pretty well. No major flare ups. Your advice has given me a new outlook on my health. I have not eaten any chicken meat or fish since Thanksgiving. I have lost around 30 lbs. and counting.(need about 100 more) But I am heading in the right direction. I have recently incorporated chia seeds into my diet and was wondering if you had an opinion of them. They seem to be at very least a great source of fiber.
Thanks again
Thanks to you, I’m walking without medication!
Hi Bert, Just to let you know, and I was surprized how quick you answered my Email. I meant to Thank You, in the last email. 4 Days ago I could hardly walk, and Thanks to you I’am walking, without any Medication. I did do another treatment, but I’am still a little sore in my toe and ankle. And now little in both wrists, which I did not have yesterday. Just wondering what I sould do now? I’am going out today, to pick some of the ingredients today.
I haven’t had an attack in almost a YEAR!
Hey Bert, I’m getting pretty cocky of late. I love muscles and lobster, but I’m still afraid of them. I haven’t had an attack in almost a year! Should I try these items or avoid them all together? Thanks for all that you do for us.
Best value I have ever received!
Hi Bert, I think I am a lot better. I still have some puffiness in both hands and the inside of my elbows still have the lumps, but I still have my strength and feel better than I have since the 1st of October.
Session 10 has been completed, but a couple of days before I can get back to it. I’ll let you know when I am further along.
Can’t believe how much you have prepared for $27.00. Best value I have ever received. Thank you for your support.
No gout attack in MONTHS!
I not only follow your page and your advice, but I have not had a bad gout attack in months. I just forwarded your page to a friends sister who is need. Thanks man, if you wonder whether your efforts make a difference, I’m here to say they do. Thanks again
My arms don’t hurt!
Hi Bert, I couldn’t wait to tell you how great I am feeling this morning. We are doing laundry today and I was able to lift the mattress to put the sheets back on the bed. Think I will be able to use the curling iron on my hair today. My arms don’t hurt when I put them over my head. Continuation of your program is a must. Thanks for your help!!!!
I’m so glad I found your site!
Bert, man I am so glad I stumbled upon your site. I am ready to give up and throw in the towel, this GOUT is getting the best of me. Ill give you a quick background leading up to today. In December 2002 I was diagnosed with gout in my left toe…traditional red, swollen, hurt like hell happened in the middle of the night and couldn’t put my shoe on. Then about a year later I started getting a small bump on my right index finger which lasted for about 2-3 months of pain, swelling, redness doctors couldn’t drain anything nor could they tell me what it was and then it solidified (appears as a punched out lesion on x-Ray). To this day that joint cannot move at all, I have no motion in the first joint in my finger as it now fused together not sure if it is Tophi or not. The Gout went to my ankle for a little, then the knees and now both wrists (which seems to be the worst of them all). All my doctors for the last 10 years have told me its gout, they have given me indomethicen, prednisone, allopurinol, colchicine, they only one that didn’t aggravate it was colchicine and that has kept things at bay for the time being. My current Rheumotologist says it is not gout because there have been no crystals found (drew fluid from my knee from a previous injury) and that it is early onset osteoarthritis. I am currently having an attack in both wrist…can’t turn door knobs, brush my teeth put on my clothes or do the simplest things like change my babies diaper without being in agony. My UA levels have always been high and sometimes really high. I have had it as high as 11 and low as about 6.5 so not sure what to think about that. I have included pictures of my finger for reference. Most of all I am ready to get rid of this altogether instead of just getting rid of the attacks as they come. Thanks Bert!!!
The formula you recommend definitely works for pain, thank you!
Hey Bert, sorry for the late response but like you were I am in construction myself so I get up early and get home late,I have been struggling with this demon that calls himself gout for about the last 3 years and never had it attack my knee before and WOW!!! What pain that was, I thought my big toe was the worst it would be but I was wrong, the remedy you have came up with, who would of thought that would work, I would love to never feel this pain with gout again because this last flare up was by far the worst I have felt,it was deep in the knee and I am still feeling it when I try to bend down it feels tight like I pulled a muscle but is going away, I am walking again and hopping I never go thru that again. So there U go Bert that’s my situation as of now and the formula defiantly works for the pain! Thanx and I am very interested in how to kill it for good!
I am 95% clear … you are a life saver!
Hi Bert, you are a lifesaver!! I have been struggling with this gout attack in several areas of my left foot since before Easter. I followed your guidelines and got some relief within a couple of hours. After four doses, I am about 95% clear.Your program is going to make a huge difference in my life. Thank You, Thank You!
Thanks a million…!!!
Thanks a million man……you have no idea how nice it is to get the real story from a guy that knows…….24 hours ago the thought of puttin my cowboy boots on made me contemplate a quick painless swing of the dull axe out back…..today I slipped it on….still some pain but I got er on……die gout die I will keep ya in the loop….. Thanks a mill again….
Being gout free is an awesome feeling!!
Again I want to thank you and your gout killer web sites. All of the info is here to get you started on your gout free journey if you take the time to read it and ask questions and apply what you learned. You have been very helpful to me and I am very thankful. Being gout free is an awesome feeling !!
No more embarrassing conversations about my gout with co-workers!
When I must go to work with all the pain hobbling around hallways, stairs, etc coworkers will always ask ”what’s wrong”. It’s embarrassing to me to say I have gout (since the average person assumes you do something wrong to get gout). I used to come up with the ”sprained my ankle or knee” excuse.
Anyway, thanks to your advice and guidance my attacks have become much less frequent and less severe when they do happen. Thanks and keep up the great work!!!
I’m so glad I found you… feeling better already!
I’m so glad I found you online. I was having trouble with my hands always being cold. Went to the Dr’s. I guess he was checking for arthritis. My UA was 7.9 and he put me on 300mg of Allopurinal and told me not to eat seafood. I never felt good on it. A month passed and I started getting a rash all over my body. He told me to stop the medication. My UA went down to 4.4 on the medication.
I have been very careful about my eating. Trying to drinks lots of water. Exercising everyday. I’ve lost about 13lbs. so far. I don’t have an ugly toe picture to send you…but did have some twinges now and then. I had dropped something on my foot months ago and just thought I injured something. Boy was I wrong!
Not having any trouble now (knock on wood). Thanks again for being there and helping others. You have so much helpful information. I am trying to apply it to my life. Feeling better already.
Your research has been a blessing…
Bert: thank you for the info, I will be tuning in! Your research has been a blessing! God Bless
I’ve been gout-free for 9 months thanks to you!
What am I thankful for? That would be you, Bert!!! Not just for your assistance in getting me through my worst gout attack ever (LAST spring). And not just for the last 9 months of gout-free living. But also for “the freedom”. ???
It’s a little like “coming out of the closet”. This disease – more than any other form of arthritis – has become a social pariah (the rich man’s disease). Which has often subjected us gout-sufferers with just one more layer of shame, of guilt, of STRESS. You, your program, and your emails have opened the door enough for me to be okay with my disease. Okay and honest with and about my gout. Bert, honesty is good — deceit and lies are bad; bad for life, bad for stress, bad for gout.
No more pain and inflammation!
Thanks. Truly impressed with how quickly I dropped the inflammation and pain. Keep up the good work, The medical community has alot to learn. thanks
No gout attacks!
No gout attacks !!! God knows what allopurional do to my organs !!! Thanks to your inspiration I am living proof to your benefits. God bless
Off meds and my blood pressure is normal!
Yes I am a testament to this! Off meds and my BP IS NORMALIZED yoga meditation and the body can heal itself !!!! Go Bert !!!
No gout attacks since following your advice!
Thank you!!!! Not a single gout attack since following your advice!!!!!!! I would never have believed it, Bert!!!! Thank God for you!!!!
Chuck Stewart
Gout is GONE!
Bert, I’m 26, Live in Colorado and LOVE all of your Tips! Got my first real gout attack in May…. Found you on YouTube under “water fasting gout” I recently started grounding the last few months and drinking Kangen water, I don’t check/see every tip… but Love where you are coming from! Pleased to say the Gout is GONE!!! Much respect!
I am so thankful for your advice & support.
Hi Bert, I am thankful that I can play kick ball with my kids. I am thankful for the 3 miles that I ran last week after being on crutches most of last summer. I am thankful that I ran the fastest mile of life in 6:04 and at 38 years old. I am thankful I can gallop and jump horses which is my job and how I feed my family. I am grateful for my wife who has adjusted the way she buys food and cooks so that I can live without that horrible condition called gout. I am grateful to God for giving me the strength through Christ to make good decisions about my diet and lifestyle. I am grateful for all the help and comprehensive support from Gout Killer Bert Middleton who gives for more than is called for to help people with Gout. Thanks for asking, and thank you for the continued tips and support that have made a big difference.
4 days ago, I couldn’t walk. Today I’m walking without medication… THANK YOU!
Hi Bert, just to let you know, and I was surprised how quick you answered my Email. I meant to Thank You, in the last email. 4 Days ago I could hardly walk, and thanks to you I am walking, without any medication. Thanks again…
Extremely informative!
Just want to let you know that I find your page to be one of the most imformative out there. I am on a mission to lower my uric acid and stop gout flares forever.
My most sincere thanks!
Bert,Thank-you. I’ll miss my daily reminders. They have been a source of inspiration and an aid in my quest to be gout free. If you are ever in need a testimonial or a positive review let me know. Keep up the good work. Again, my sincere thanks.
I want to send you a BIG THANK YOU for this non-prescription solution!
Hi Bert: it is time to say a big “Thank You” for teaching me to manage my Gout. There is a bit of a confluence of ideas that you work with, all aimed at the reduction of the probabilities of gout and you teach them well. And circumstances in our own lives enabled us to be able to respond to all six-seven areas of your instruction. And sure enough, the past year has proven to be gout free, and I’ve managed to complete all of my intermediate health and wellness goals in the same interval. I think of it as the equivalent of chewing gum and walking at the same time. Not perfect, but very helpful.
Now I know that you know that everyone who suffers from gout is not up for the remedies that you endorse, and they prefer to respond with prescription drugs and their various side effects and interactions. But when I found you on the internet I had concluded that a non-prescription solution was what I preferred.So thanks for teaching the tools and methods and giving me the vocabulary for attentive management of this damnable condition. You’re a Prince!!!
This cure worked almost INSTANTLY!
Bert, I have had two unlikely miracles occur to me in my lifetime. One was the podiatrist who prescribed shoe inserts when I could not walk and now when I had the gout. I say unlikely because I felt that neither had a snowball’s chance in hell of working. But, this little cure worked almost instantly and the person who could not walk at all yesterday was out car shopping today. Simply unbelievable how fast this remedy works. Thanks.
I am gout free for almost a FULL YEAR now!
I’d like to send a huge THANK YOU to you, The information you have provided to me has kept me gout free for almost a full year now. My hat is off to you for doing the work you do. Had I followed the advice of my Doctor…I’d likely be taking 47 different pills today and be more fucked up than a soup sandwich.Thanks again…and keep the great tips coming.
You saved me… I’m off the meds and GOUT FREE!
I know that I’ve told you but you really Saved me from Gout Bert. I’m off meds and been Gout free since I called you. You are a life saver. You changed my life for the better and I can never repay you. I guess just riding the Hell out of my bike and living Gout free will have to do. BTW I was doing some Downhilling in AngelFire NM 2 weeks ago and in 11 days we’re headed to Whistler BC for 10 days. Look at my Facebook for pics soon. Thank you again.
Stopped using my cane!!! Plus, losing weight…
Hi!! Wanted to update you on things. I am doing great! I haven’t had to use a walker OR cane and I am just so happy right now. Losing weight slowly and no more fast/junk food. Thank you again so much for taking the time last month to help me. I swear my life has changed and I don’t want to go back to the way it was again. I can’t believe I can do my workout DVDs now too 🙂 Wishing you a wonderful day!
Had a GREAT 2 hour walk this morning… Thrilled!
Believe me, over time, you will get serious about beating gout. Last August I had doubts I would ever exercise my dog again. This morning we had a great two hour walk together. Thx, Bert
~ Bob
I have not have an attack since starting your program!
Thank you Bert for all of your tips, I have not have a episode since I started your program.
~ Ronald
My holiday will be gout free!
Dude! Great and timely info! Thanks for the heads up – my holiday will be gout free, and I hope yours will be gout free and ENJOYABLE!
~ Rob
Really appreciate everything you are doing.
Hello there Bert. Really appreciate every thing you are doing in helping gout sufferers understand and treat there condition. Like your self, I to have gone through the mill with really painful gout attacks and watching gouty tophi lumps sprout up all over the place leading to the surgical removal of large gouty tophi lumps from my elbows. Once again your web and YouTube sites are a real companion for me while I am on this path to beating this condition. Keep up the great work .
~ Dave
I’m gout free for LIFE, my man!
Hey Bert, how are you my man! a.k.a The Gout Killer! Sorry I’ve been real busy with family stuff but I haven’t forgotten anything I’ve learned from your book. It’s all in good practice and I’m exercising, drinking alkaline water, breathing, and everything else. I’m doing good; I’m gout free for life my man! lol! But like I said, I don’t get gout all the time but I love your techniques and knowledge. You’re the man! I’ll be in touch, peace out brother!
~ Nifae
I am doing GREAT… thank you so much!
Bert, thank you so much for all of the valuable information! I finished all of the sessions and am doing GREAT!
Gout free for 6 months, feeling healthier!
I am thankful I found your website and have been gout free for 6 months. Feeling healthier in general, back to the gym and more active overall. Also thankful for my wife!
~ Pete
My tophi went away!!!
MY tophi went away!!!! It was there for a month, then it started leaking, i pressured it , rub it , and the clear gel came out then a little blood, now it’s gone, my finger looks normal (except for the inflammation it has). In January I changed my diet, no meat, very little chicken, lots of veggies, tofu, fish, and lots of alkaline water, lemons, and of course walking 3 or 4 times a day about 2 miles each, keeping busy yard work, washing my car, being positive, I took combination of Gout, Joint,kidney, liver, multi-vitamins, read a lot about gout in your blogs and website, all over, and prayed. My gout is gone, I just have arthritis on my fingers, sometimes my feet hurt when I walk , oh also no BEER, but I still have some now and then. I’m continuing everything I have done above, i’m not changing back to my old ways of eating and ‘couch potato’ ways. Thanks to you for inspiration too!!! I know people with Gout are far worse than I was and it was scary seeing those pics of their feet. PS: I never went to the Dr. and took any kind of Meds. ALSO I bought a ‘grounding mat’ , read about it, it works.
~ Ruben
I was able to prevent a gout attack…!
Dear Bert, I like everything about your work – it reinforces all the valuable insight and advice you give from different angles (video, audio & hard copy). It is excellent and I love it! I’m still not done yet – I know …wtf! Based on your advice, I was able to prevent 1 potential gout attack w/your instant killer formula and haven’t encountered anything since then. I have long days: work 5am-2pm, taking care of a clinically depressed spouse who now can’t drive (so I do all the errands & what-not that requires driving, run & manage household chores, and I’m in constant hip pain (hip replacement surgery 4/18) w/bone on bone every step i take. Because of all this, i don’t have a lot of free time or energy but I am slowly making my way through your material because it is important to me and for my health. Even if I don’t get around to taking advantage of your free complementary coaching session, just know that you’ve helped me a lot and for that I’m grateful. I value and appreciate you – God bless you.
My gout is in check! Thank you!
Thank you Bert for the information. I placed my order last night for this product. My gout has been in check by using your program and I read on you e-mail. Breathing, water, relaxing, and eating right has been great for me.Thank you very much.
Feeling better every day…!
Hey Bert, the whole process has helped me. I still have some knee pain but most swelling has gone down and it gets a bit better everyday.
~ Greg
Very good for you … thanks!
Bert, it’s amazing how many things you normally eat that have acid in them. You’ve shared numerous things like your shaving cream hint, it goes right into your blood stream And why not? Bert The Gout Killer, I am a living testament to that. Not to mention your diet is very good for you. Thanks!
I love your techniques… I’m gout free!
Hey Bert, I’m doing good; I’m gout free for life my man! lol! But like I said, I don’t get gout all the time but I love your techniques and knowledge. You’re the man! I’ll be in touch, peace out brother!
~ Nifae
I’m so happy … my last attack was last Christmas!
My last attack was xmas, when I had gout for 3 months on and off. Today my gout is 95% gone. I am now a happy bunny. Can’t thank you enough for the information.
~ Mantis Fists
Your tips can benefit anyone with gout!
Thank you Bert, I’ve come a long way. You helped a lot. I was a little goofy there for a while and had a number of physical problems. But gout hasn’t been one of them. Frankly your tips can benefit anyone. They are wise and sensible solutions to an overall better life. You are what you eat, breathe and how you sleep. I learned that from you. I heard it a hundred times before you, but I truly learned it from you. Thank you Bert.
My uric acid levels are DOWN!

You do so much to encourage people..

What a life changer! Many thanks..

You have taught me a bunch of stuff!

I think the world is catching on..

Bert, you saved my ass… literally!

OMG it’s so much better today…

A huge thank you to you…!!!

You are my HERO… gout free for a year!

Thanks for your compassion…

You’ve helped me more than you’ll know!

I am now drinking almost a gallon of water..

It was a lucky day, the day I found you!

Use my story as a testimonial… this works!

Shane Ledyard
Randell N. Smith
I’ve been Gout FREE for 15 months…!

I’m back at the gym… planning trips… thrilled to be counted among the “ACTIVE” again!

Thank you Bert for all of your tips..

I like everything about your work..

Thanks for the friendly reminders!

I’m playing racquetball for the first time in 20 years… thank you!

For whatever I paid, it’s worth it..

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!

What you are doing means so much to me!

I truly appreciate everything you are doing for me!

I had a stressful, nasty divorce..

I am thankful I found your website, I have been gout free for 6 months!