I Never Thought It Was Possible, but After 12 Years of Pain… I Finally Learned How to End My Gout Attacks and Stop Them From Coming Back

Dear Friend,
My name is Bert Middleton, and that’s a picture of me and my wife Sharon above.
I know you’re here because you’re struggling with gout… and I know how desperate you probably feel. Because there is no pain like gout pain.
I’ve been where you are, way too many times.
Over a decade ago, I was losing my own personal battle against gout. The excruciating pain of regular gout attacks was making it impossible for me to enjoy even the simplest daily pleasures.
I was desperate and tried everything I could to stop the pain
Prescriptions were of limited help… and I experienced horrible side effects.
I spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars reading every gout book I could find, trying expensive natural treatments and we even consulted with a PhD board-certified specialist.
Not only did it not help, my gout got worse.

Surgeries Left Me In Terrible Pain…
Unfortunately for me, before I found the solution to end my gout attacks, I developed gouty tophi.
I had tophi removed from four fingers on my right hand, two on my left hand, and one of my toes on my right foot. It was one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced.
Even though I had to experience that pain, I’m still grateful I learned how to stop my gout before it got worse.

here’s the good news… I have the answers you’re looking for
I never thought it was possible, but after 12 years of struggling I finally learned how to end my gout attacks and stop them from coming back.
I knew that I learned something important… something that millions of other people suffering from gout need to know about. It was at that moment I knew I had a responsibility.
From there, I started recording all that I had learned and proven the hard way and Kill Your Gout Now! was born.
In this book, I show you the exact formula to immediately reverse a gout attack within 2-4 hours, and then how to make sure you never get another gout attack…
This Gave Me My Life Back. Now, I’d Like To Do The Same For You…

Fast forward to today, I’ve been living gout free for over a decade now.
I’m sure that’s hard for you to imagine, if you’re currently battling another gout attack… but I want to give you some hope.
I had one of the worst cases of gout I’ve seen, even among my clients.
And yet here I am today, mountain biking … skiing … enjoying vacations with my wife … taking my grandchildren on little adventures …
Most days I don’t give gout a second thought. I feel truly blessed, I’ve taken back my life.
The First Step… Let’s Get You PAIN FREE! (TODAY… In the next 2-4 hours!)

If you’re overwhelmed by pain… then let’s take the first step together.
Let’s get your current gout attack under control using “The Kill Your Gout Now!” formula that I and 1000s of others just like you have successfully used to do the same thing.
I want you to experience immediate relief from your gout pain in the next 2-4 hours and in an effort to help you, and as many people as I can…
I’ve put together a special offer for the next 100 people that purchase Kill Your Gout Now! Until the offer is 100% claimed, you can…
Get my #1 rated eBook for MORE THAN 35% OFF the original price of £39.99!
Just £24.99 today gets you INSTANT ACCESS to download your copy and start reading in the next 5 minutes.
When you’re ready… click the add to cart button below to claim your special offer and let’s get your current gout attack under control.

If you love it, as I expect you will, I hope you’ll share YOUR success story with me, as it’s stories like the ones below that really keep me motivated to do this working late nights and weekends, after my regular 9-5 job.
Of course, if you’re NOT 100% thrilled, you can always contact me within 30 days for a full refund.

Although I have to tell you: less than 1% of people ever request a refund, because the simple truth is this program works.
It gets results fast, and I know most folks appreciate my “just the facts” approach.
It’s The Formula That’s ALREADY Killed Gout Pain For 1000s Of Others
Stop your current gout attack COLD, in its tracks. I don’t care if this attack has been ongoing for weeks or longer… I don’t care how bad the pain is…
You have my solemn promise:
If you can commit to making a trip to the local grocery store TODAY (or get someone to go for you) … follow the dosing instructions I’m going to give you … for the next 6 hours …
And SWEAR to give me a FAIR & FIGHTING CHANCE to help you by doing exactly as I say…
Then I promise you’re going to feel DRAMATIC RELIEF within 2-4 hours of starting the dosing … 6-8 hours into the program you’ll be amazed … and 24 hours from now …
Well, I expect I’ll have your full attention!
And then, you and I can get focused on STEP #2, introducing you to the lifestyle changes you’ll need to make to stop living at the mercy of these random gout attacks…
… And start living PAIN FREE and GOUT FREE for decades to come.
Just like me, and like 1000s of my clients.
Success Stories From REAL PEOPLE Who Conquered Their Gout Attacks Using This SAME Formula:
Here are just a small handful of the success stories I’ve received in emails, Facebook messages, text messages, and more over the last decade since I made it my mission to share my drug-free methods for controlling my gout with the world.
You can read over 65 pages worth of testimonials and success stories, here, too.
And this is only a fraction of what I’ve received…
No Gout In A Long Time Thanks To You!
Thank you, Bert, I’ve come a long way. You helped a lot. I was a little goofy there for a while and had a number of physical problems. But gout hasn’t been one of them.
Frankly your tips can benefit anyone. They are wise and sensible solutions to an overall better life. Thank you, Pete
I Haven’t Had Gout In Over A Year Now!
Just checking in with you. I wanted to tell you that I haven’t had any gout problems in over a year now. I sing the praises of your recommendations to people all the time. I will keep you posted! – Eric
My Boyfriend Tried It… And It Worked!
Oh, my goodness! My boyfriend tried your remedy and, it worked! Thank you soooo soooo much! I was very worried! Thank you, again! – Elaine
Thank God, No Gout Attacks In A Long Time!
Thank God I haven’t had a gout attack for a very long time, since we were first in touch. Keep up the good work. – Colm
I’m Living Gout-Free And Off The Drugs!
I’ve been gout-free for quite a while now. I’m off the Hep C drug and feeling better… thanks to you. Keep up the good work Bert. – Jeff
I’m Finally In Control
I read EVERYTHING you send. I’ve changed the mindset with all the info. Diet has changed. Attitude has changed. You’re helping me attack this instead of letting it attack me! Thanks! – Rob
In 2 Days, My Gout Is 95% Gone!
My last attack was Christmas, when I had gout for 3 months on and off. I was into the second week when I found your website. After a day’s work I was coming home and my foot would swell up to the point that I couldn’t walk.
I have used your remedy for 2 days and my gout is 95% gone. I am now a happy bunny. Can’t thank you enough for the information. – Mantis Fists
It’s Everything You Need To Kill Your Gout Pain In The Next 2-4 Hours!
Minus the times that it takes for you to collect the supplies.
We waste no time, in the first 8 pages of this book, I’m going to give you the TWO RECIPES for my 100% natural gout attack remedy that I promise will kill your gout within the next 6 hours.
Plus, I’ll give you the exact dosing schedule, to make sure you know exactly how to take it.
I know from experience, when you’re in pain, you need things spoon fed to you, and you need things to be kept simple and easy to understand.
So I make sure there’s no BS … no reading 150 pages, digging for some hidden cure … I lay it all in the first 8 pages in plain, simple, easy-to-understand English.
You can even print page #8 and tape it to your fridge, so again, there’s no guesswork involved at all.
While you’re following the dosing schedule, I give you further instructions for speeding the pain relief and healing.

If possible, I recommend that you clear your schedule for the next 24 hours … If you can’t that’s okay, this will still work, but if you can afford the time away, please prepare to rest and follow the instructions I’ll lay out for you in the first 8 pages of this book.
It’s how I’ve helped 1000s of people just like you get terrible gout attacks under control in no time flat, and I want give YOU the best possible chance of experiencing these results.
Plus, I’ll Show You What’s Causing Your Gout
(Because the first step to controlling it will be understanding the ROOT CAUSE!)
So it’s 4-6 hours from now …
You’re resting and following the dosing instructions I provide in the first 8 pages of “Kill Your Gout Now.”
What’s next? While you’re resting, I suggest you invest some time reviewing the rest of this EASY-TO-READ book … 54 pages total.
In it, I’m going to use plain language (ENGLISH, ha ha) to explain what’s causing your gout. Because obviously the first step to controlling your gout and preventing future attacks will be understanding what’s causing it, at least at the 50,000 ft view.
There’s a lot of misinformation and myths floating around about gout.

Myths like:
There’s waaay more to the story … So we’ll debunk these myths together.
And I’ll make sure you understand WHY you’re having gout attacks.
Because I also find understanding the “why” helps keep me motivated to keep taking the daily steps necessary to make sure the gout doesn’t sneak up on me again …
Like I mentioned before, I’ve been GOUT FREE for over a decade now.
So I know this works …
And I want to set you on the same path.
It’s A Quick, Easy Read … But You’re Going To Learn So Much

(Imagine, Feeling In Control Of Your Gout… Instead Of Always Afraid, Embarrassed, and In Pain.)
Topics we’ll cover in the remaining chapters of “Kill Your Gout Now” include:
Changing Lives… Read The Email From A Lifetime Fan And Fellow Gout Killer!

Download The Book… And Start Getting The Relief You Need In The Next 5 Minutes.

My promise to you is simple:
I want you to experience IMMEDIATE RELIEF from your gout pain in the next 2-4 hours with my proven “Gout Killing Formula” that you’ll find clearly explained in the first 8 pages of my best-selling book, “Kill Your Gout Now.”
So invite you to claim a copy of this #1 rated eBook for MORE THAN 35% OFF the £39.99 I was selling it for earlier this year:
Just £24.99 today gets you INSTANT ACCESS to download your copy and start reading in the next 5 minutes.
A price tag that’s high enough to make sure those who buy it, value it! While still covering my costs of making this solution available for all.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
Of course, if you’re NOT 100% thrilled, you can always contact me within 30 days for a full refund.
Although I have to tell you: less than 1% of people ever request a refund, because the simple truth is this program works.
It gets results fast, and I know most folks appreciate my “just the facts” approach.
Try It RISK FREE For The Next 30 Days
So now it’s time to decide… Will you let me help you?
Like I’ve helped 1000s of other gout sufferers? If you’re at the end of your rope, as I once was, I hope you’ll take this chance, invest in a copy of “Kill Your Gout Now,” and let me show how much better you can feel…
Remember, there’s no risk in trying “Kill Your Gout” now.
Get it for 35% OFF, just £24.99 today.
With a 100% money back guarantee. You must get the results I’ve promised, or I give you a full refund.
Again, you’ll find no fluff or BS here:
I’m all about getting you straight to the solution.
So you can stop living with the pain, fear, and embarrassment of gout.
(Stop missing work… stop hiding at home… stop skipping parties with family and friends… stop giving up favorite hobbies… )
And finally start LIVING AGAIN!
Try It Risk FREE For 30 Days.
Comes With 100% Money Back Guarantee.