Besides all the pain of all the gout attacks I endured while trying to figure out how to stop a gout attack, and the frustration of all the trial-and-error I went through while learning how to keep gout from coming back, and the countless hours of bleeding-eyeball online-research, and the thousands of emails and phone calls I’ve had helping people get past the confusion of gout, plus all the time effort, energy and money it took for me to become a gout-specialized certified nutritionist . . . besides all of that . . . the untold hours of BRAIN DAMAGE it took for me to put this whole huge course together was the hardest part. But I did it . . . and I did it for you.

A 7 Day Video-based Online Program Showing You How to NEVER GET GOUT AGAIN

  • ​A Real-World Gout-Diet you can actually stick with
  • ​WHY being a vegetarian could make your gout WORSE
  • ​The “Prime Nutrient” to immediate and lasting/permanent gout relief
  • ​The Absolute WORST Thing to Drink that is guaranteed to aggravate your gout
  • ​What you should be drinking to prevent gout
  • ​The one form of exercise to AVOID AT ALL COSTS
  • ​How the “Silent Killer” is damaging your body and causing one gout attack after another
  • ​How to stop the Silent Killer
  • ​The Single Biggest Culprit behind the cause of gout
  • ​The “quick fix” you can do now take control and get back to work and living life
  • ​A sure-fire customizable ACTION PLAN for remaining gout-free FOR GOOD

You can get instant access to the first video session TODAY for one low investment of just £199 and save yourself a lifetime of gout pain not to mention thousands of dollars of pharmaceutical drugs that don’t always work anyway.


​SEIZE THE MOMENT and get serious about killing your gout FOR GOOD
Click the “BUY NOW” button to get the 7 secret weapons for PERMANENT gout freedom
at this low price offer of £199
 – NOW!

Let me have you think about this:

How much will gout cost you? . . . if all you do is knock out the gout attacks one at a time, time-after-time, AFTER they hit you, instead of PREVENTING them in the first place?

How much has gout cost you already? . . . in endless doctor visits, prescription drugs, and lost wages because you couldn’t work?

Gout Is a Nasty Disease That:

  • Drains down all your INCOME
  • Keeps you constantly on EDGE (just waiting for the next attack), and
  • Leaves you begging for MERCY

​This is your shot to get rid of gout ONCE-AND-FOR-ALL and live a gout-free, pain-free, normal life again . . . and all for about the same amount of money you usually pay for a month’s worth of beer.   If you SAY YES to this offer and if for any reason it’s not everything you hoped it would be, just email me ([email protected]) and let me know – I’ll refund every penny of your investment, no questions asked.



30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee “I’m so confident that you’ll be completely satisfied that I’ll happily give 100% of your money back if my power-packed information and recipes fail to exceed your expectations with the useful, practical, and easy-to-follow instructions I put in there.”  ~ Bert