I couldn’t help it…
When you’re trying to figure out what the heck gout is and how you got it, there is a lot of crap out there about gout myths and I just can’t stand it anymore. Here’s this woman, Judith Allison, telling you and me all about gout myths…yeah right. Do you think she has ever had gout a day in her life? Not no, but HELL no. Anyway, she wrote this post on Yahoo! Voices and I felt I needed to set the record straight…
Let’s Have a Look at These So Called Gout Myths
(See my comments below in the bullets)
JA: It’s surprising how many myths there are out there about gout and just how persistent they are. Take a look at a few websites about gout and gout remedies and you’ll quickly find contradictory information, even from sites which enjoy a fairly good reputation. It can be hard to find a gout remedy online, and it’s not surprising that people are less well informed than ever about the disease, even in a time when more resources are available than ever before. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of misleading or just plain wrong information out there and it keeps getting passed along. Keep reading for the top 10 gout myths – and the truth about the disease.
- GK: Sorry Judith, but what it appears to be is that you are doing exactly what you’re accusing the rest of the internet world of doing. Where did you scarf up all of your “information” about these gout myths?
Myth #1: Gout can always be cured.
JA: There are plenty of websites out there promising some sort of miraculous gout remedy , offering gout relief now – for a price, that is. However, in many cases, gout has a genetic component, since it is often caused by underlying hereditary conditions. Other illnesses which can trigger gout include kidney disease and lymphoma, among others. Obesity can also cause gout, as can some diuretics prescribed to patients with hypertension. If there’s any underlying cause, especially one which is hereditary in nature, gout can only be managed, not cured. That’s why it’s important to see your physician if you have gout – there could be another, more serious problem going on besides gout itself.
- GK: I love this one – like “miraculous gout remedies” are any different than a becoming Big Pharma drug addict…sheesh. The drugs didn’t work for me, that’s why I’m The Gout Killer.
- The whole genetic/hereditary thing is all blown up BS – there’s more reason for you having gout because your dad did, only because he taught you the same poor health habits he lived with. See what Bruce Lipton has to say about that.
- “See your physician”…yes, you should but only because you’ve mismanaged your health in general so bad that now you’re in deep sh!t. Learning more about diet and nutrition is what you need to do…so does your doctor.
Myth #2: Natural or herbal remedies are always better than prescription medications
JA: As it happens, Colchicine, one of the most commonly prescribed gout medications, is a natural treatment. It’s derived from the autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale) and in one form or another, it’s been used for millennia. Natural though it may be, it’s also toxic and can cause side effects including nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in many people – almost all people who take the drug at higher doses, in fact.
Actually, over half of the prescription drugs out there are naturally derived compounds, although that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re safe. At the same time, they may be safer than some other “natural” gout remedy products on the market, since they’re regulated and monitored by the FDA (and equivalent agencies in other countries). Natural remedies can even make things worse when they’re not used with caution. For instance, taking vitamin C can lower your levels of uric acid, which can reduce the frequency and severity of gout attacks. However, taking too much vitamin C increases your risk of developing kidney stones and if you suddenly begin taking high doses of vitamin C, you may actually experience more episodes of gout.
Yes, prescription drugs for gout can be dangerous when used improperly, but when they’re taken as directed, they’re generally safe and effective. Many drugs can provide relief from gout relatively quickly – and if you effectively manage your levels of uric acid (since hyperuricemia causes gout), you don’t need to suffer from gout in the first place.
- GK: I get it now Judith – you’ve been brainwashed into thinking drugs equate to health – you poor thing. It’s happened to millions of people due the marketing power of the pharmaceutical industry. Whatever happened to “eat right and exercise”? When was the last time your doctor prescribed that for you? He didn’t – you know why? Because how doctors practice medicine today is mandated by their malpractice insurance companies – you come in with gout, you get this, this, or this drug. Period.
Myth #3: Gout medication can instantly stop gout attacks
JA: Medications which lower uric acid can actually increase the frequency of attacks in the short term, but over a period of six months to a year, they can completely stop them. One mistake a lot of gout sufferers make is to stop taking their medication when they don’t receive relief from their symptoms right away. Sudden changes in your uric acid levels (even if this is a decline rather than an increase) can trigger gout attacks.
It’s also true that many physicians don’t prescribe the right dosages of uric acid lowering drugs and don’t prescribe additional medication to prevent attacks. If you’re beginning to take uric acid lowering medication, start at a low dose and gradually increase your dosage over several weeks rather than starting suddenly – the same rule applies to when you’re ceasing to take these medications. You should also ask your doctor to give you medication to prevent attacks during the first six months to a year of treatment.
- GK: Medication, medication, and more medication. Oddly enough I do agree with part of what Judith said – if you HAVE to take drugs, most of the gout drugs work in a “cumulative” way – you have to take them consistently. Allopurinol is the most common one. My experience however is that while Allopurinol brought down the uric acid levels…it didn’t stop the gout attacks. I’ve had dozens of others tell me the same thing.
- What really pisses me off though is that if you listen to our buddy Judith, you’d think that all you can do about gout is lower uric acid with drugs – the same weird-ass party line of Big Pharma for every illness. Isn’t it obvious all they want to do is sell drugs? Gout happens not because of high uric acid, but because you’re too acidic in general…it just happens to be that the ONE acidic substance in your body that is not being dealt with properly is the one that crystallizes in your joints and causes a shitload of pain.
Myth #4: If you avoid seafood and beer, you’ll stop having gout attacks
JA: The most persistent myths about gout tend to center on diet. However, there is a kernel of truth to these myths, since both beer and seafood can increase levels of uric acid – although avoiding these foods (or sticking to a low purine diet) will reduce the frequency of attacks, not completely eliminate them. Again, many cases of gout have an underlying cause and can’t be cured by diet alone.
- GK: Now we’re finally starting to agree – yes, there is an underlying cause: “…too much tissue acid waste in the body!” – just like Theodore Baroody says!
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Hi Bert, it is not I that suffers from gout, it is my husband. We have not as yet made it a priority at this stage, hoping we will make time go through the information together. I have had a read through your book,very good info, already using Bragg apple cider vinegar and addressing his diet. Our diet has been the main priority over the last few years. Thank’s so much Burt, will be in touch on how we go. Cheers Lorraine.
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Myth #5: Avoid all alcoholic beverages if you have gout
JA: There is a little truth here. We already know that beer can cause a spike in uric acid levels and honestly, you shouldn’t drink beer if you have gout. Distilled spirits slightly increase the risk of gout, but not nearly as much as beer does. However, wine can actually help decrease your risk in small amounts; one glass per day slightly decreases your risk, although this effect disappears with two glasses daily. If you want to drink while you have gout, wine is the way to go, but limit yourself to one or two glasses per day.
- GK: Hmmmm…did you get this from me Judith? Yes, wine, especially red, due to the antioxidant content (Resveratrol) is pretty good. Beer is high in purines, so if you’re slammin’ beers every day and night as a habit, you’re headed for a nasty gout train wreck. In general, it’s common sense that alcohol only adds to your overall acidic load…can you say, “hangover”?
Myth #6: Gout is painful but otherwise harmless
JA: This is not only wrong, but a potentially dangerous myth. When left untreated or treated improperly, gout can be a very severe, disabling and disfiguring disease. Regular attacks of gout can damage and eventually destroy the affected joints and severe uric acid crystal formations called tophus can be disfiguring – and when they form on or in the heart, can be fatal.
Hyperuricemia, the underlying cause of gout, is strongly correlated with severe underlying conditions including heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, hypertension, diabetes and obesity; all of which can be fatal. Gout might not always be a life threatening condition, but it can be and should always be treated with the seriousness it deserves.
- GK: Judith…I think I love you! “Gout is just a painful omen of worse things to come…Diabetes, Heart Disease, Stroke, and Cancer.” ~ Bert Middleton, The Gout Killer
Myth #7: Your weight doesn’t have anything to do with your gout
JA: This is completely wrong. Being overweight or obese is strongly related to hyperuricemia and consequently, gout. One of the best things you can do to prevent or treat gout (and improve your overall health) is to lose weight. We all know that it’s not healthy to be overweight, but if you’re already overweight or obese and have gout, you’re at a very high risk of some of the serious illnesses we’ve mentioned earlier. One of the best forms of gout relief remedy is to lose weight and exercise regularly – and it will significantly lower your risk of other diseases as well.
- GK: This is true – especially in the US today. Why is the majority of the US population obese? Processed foods. High Fructose Corn Syrup. Weird synthetic chemicals in the food supply at every turn. EAT REAL FOOD. Buy organic. Grow your own food.
Myth#8: There’s nothing to do for a gout attack except to wait for it to subside
JA: If you act right away, you can stop an attack of gout in as little as an hour. All you need to do is to take prescription NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) as soon as you experience any symptoms of an attack. If you can’t take NSAIDs due to another medical condition, then there are other options such as ACTH and corticosteroids; but you should avoid taking colchicine if possible.
- GK: Hmmm…the NSAIDs can help but, here’s the deal: if you’ve got uric acid continuously crystallizing at a rate faster than the NSAIDs can keep up, you’re just pissing in the wind. The real problem is that you overall bodily condition is too acidic! You’ve have alkalize as quickly as possible…then the NSAIDs have a chance to do some good.
Myth #9: High protein foods can worsen gout
JA: This is a half-truth. Some high protein foods actually reduce uric acid levels, which can improve the condition – what’s important is what kind of protein it is. Animal proteins cause an increase in levels of uric acid, while vegetable proteins lower uric acid levels, even if those high protein foods also happen to be high in purines.
- GK: I agree – “half-truth”. Our bodies need good healthy fats and oils – many of which we get from animals. Part of the problem is that many of the overly processed foods have damaged, and rancid fats and oils and only cause bad shit to happen inside our bodies – read this book: “Nourishing Traditions”
- GK: The other part is that due to all the marketing and promotion of Big Agriculture and the Cattle Growers Industry – as well as the fact that they’ve got the FDA and USDA in their pockets – we eat WAY too much cheap, processed meat. Here it is: 80% alkaline, 20% acid – fruits and vegetables are alkaline, meats and proteins in general are acidic.
Myth #10: Gout is poorly understood by medical science
JA: Totally wrong – gout is actually one of the most studied and best understood of all common diseases. The causes and progression of the diseases are well known; but little research has been done on gout since the 1980s. Since then, physicians have made the treatment of gout a low priority and many doctors (as many as 78% according to a recent study) don’t know how to properly manage gout.
Fortunately, there has recently been a revival in gout research and the development of new gout relief remedy medications to more effectively manage and treat this painful and potentially dangerous illness.
- GK: Ok Judith…you’re telling us doctors don’t know what the hell they’re doing but you think drugs are the answer? Sweety…you make no sense. Gout is practically an epidemic! Mainly because we have such poor quality food and such little education about HEALTH! We’ve all become so programmed and conditioned to think health comes in a pill…we don’t know what the hell we’re doing.
What we really need, is to not be in the grip of big industry – Big Ag, Big Pharma, the AMA, and Big Insurance are all in cahoots. Eat real food, take responsibility for your health…and your gout.
☆ The biggest gout myth…is that gout drugs kill gout.

“I know your pain. Let me help you kill your gout for good! And teach you to advocate for yourself and take ownership of your gout recovery, by showing you how to live the gout-free lifestyle.” Two decades ago, Bert Middleton found himself diagnosed with gout. Like 8.3 million other people in the United States (approximately 4% of the population), he struggled helplessly with the physical, emotional, social, and financial impact that gout left unchecked can have on your life. Prescription drugs were of limited help… And the terrible pain of regular gout attacks left him unable to enjoy even the simplest daily pleasures. His marriage was suffering. His finances were spiraling due to the impact gout had on his ability to work. And maintaining a social life was often nearly impossible. Tophi surgeries left him in terrible pain. And he found himself depressed … and angry … that gout was stealing years of his life.
Until one day, after hundreds of hours of research and self-experimentation, Bert finally had a breakthrough and created a blueprint for a way of living that would prove to be “the answer” to living gout-free for nearly a decade now. Today, Bert and his “Gout Wife” Sharon devote their evenings and weekends to educating other gout sufferers on how to live the gout-free lifestyle. Showing others his 911 Emergency Response Gout Recovery Plan for getting PAINFUL gout attacks under control in as little as 4 hours. And then, how to make daily choices that keep gout under control for GOOD! So you can finally start LIVING again!