That’s YOU!
What Does It Take To Be a Gout Killer?
Easy…single-minded focus.Most of the time, people (all of us) are searching for a pill, or a food, or a cream, or a supplement…some simple, quick fix that is going to solve our gout challenges forever. I don’t like to be the one to break the news, but there ain’t no ONE Thing (like Gary Keller says there is) when it comes to killing gout.
Let’s Get Philosophical…
…what is gout? Gout is the sum total of all the abuse and neglect you’ve inflicted upon your body over the course of your lifetime. Some people are distracted by the direct or indirect genetic expression and environmental influences that may or may not be contributing to their ongoing challenges with gout, but hey…you gotta play the hand you’re dealt! Genetics are NOT the determining factor as to whether you have to live with or without gout – you have to D E C I D E whether or not you want to live with or without gout.
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Hi Bert:I am a professional pilot for a Navy contractor in my early 50’s and was well on my way to a medical retirement, (failing my FAA flight physical)until I discovered your health recommendations and THE FORMULA a few years ago. I literally owe my continued career to your work. I can’t thank you enough!Otto M. “Trey” Nessler III707, DC10
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The Gout Killer Mindset
If ever a starting point there was, Mindset IS the starting point.We have all spun our wheels with all the little tips & tricks and shortcuts to ending gout attacks and what to do to keep them from coming back. Lucky for me, (lucky?) I rode out enough gout rides and finally came to my senses – Killing Gout Is a Project! The culmination of that project is my video program, Kill Your Gout FOR GOOD.

“I know your pain. Let me help you kill your gout for good! And teach you to advocate for yourself and take ownership of your gout recovery, by showing you how to live the gout-free lifestyle.” Two decades ago, Bert Middleton found himself diagnosed with gout. Like 8.3 million other people in the United States (approximately 4% of the population), he struggled helplessly with the physical, emotional, social, and financial impact that gout left unchecked can have on your life. Prescription drugs were of limited help… And the terrible pain of regular gout attacks left him unable to enjoy even the simplest daily pleasures. His marriage was suffering. His finances were spiraling due to the impact gout had on his ability to work. And maintaining a social life was often nearly impossible. Tophi surgeries left him in terrible pain. And he found himself depressed … and angry … that gout was stealing years of his life.
Until one day, after hundreds of hours of research and self-experimentation, Bert finally had a breakthrough and created a blueprint for a way of living that would prove to be “the answer” to living gout-free for nearly a decade now. Today, Bert and his “Gout Wife” Sharon devote their evenings and weekends to educating other gout sufferers on how to live the gout-free lifestyle. Showing others his 911 Emergency Response Gout Recovery Plan for getting PAINFUL gout attacks under control in as little as 4 hours. And then, how to make daily choices that keep gout under control for GOOD! So you can finally start LIVING again!