What Is The Function Of The Lymph System?
Interestingly enough, there is a whole school of thought out there that adheres to idea that health is achieved or maintained by the ability of our bodies to process our metabolic wastes – period. I’ve kind of gotten stuck on understanding more about the Lymph System and how that relates to what causes gout.
There is an important piece of the Lymph System puzzle, click and watch this video.
The Lymph System…
…The River of Life?
I did a little research and did another post a few months ago that talked about Dr. Gerald Lemole’s book, “The Healing Diet”. He was the one that coined the term, “The River of Life”, meaning that the key to health is to keep your lymph system open and free flowing.
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Hey Bert!
In the spirit of this tip….I’d like to send a huge THANK YOU to you, The information you have provided to me has kept me gout free for almost a full year now (Aug 2 2013 was my last attack). My hat is off to you for doing the work you do. Had I followed the advice of my Doctor…I’d likely be taking 47 different pills today and be more f*cked up than a soup sandwich.
Thanks again…and keep the great tips coming. ~ Brian
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I’m only now digging into what Stephen West is communicating in the video. His father, Karl West, did many years of research and experimentation to understand the lymph system and how the body actually creates energy – technically, electricity. Karl West died mysteriously and Stephen West is carrying on.
Unfortunately, the work of this father and son are one of hundreds of natural healing techniques that have been “lost”, “buried” or ‘covered up” in favor of other more lucrative medical practices. Find out more at the International Academy of Lymphology – IAL.org
How Does Gout Fit Into All Of This?
My amazement and fascination at overcoming my bout with chronic gout has lead me to learning more about the lymph system and how we become so overloaded with toxic, acidic wastes and what to do about it.
A very elementary understanding of how the cells work and how our bodies use fuels and exhaust the waste by-products is mandatory. Why is it that here in America no one really knows that much about the lymph system and our medical system seems to ignore it? Is it intentional?
☆ Question: What Do You Really Know About The Lymph System?

“I know your pain. Let me help you kill your gout for good! And teach you to advocate for yourself and take ownership of your gout recovery, by showing you how to live the gout-free lifestyle.” Two decades ago, Bert Middleton found himself diagnosed with gout. Like 8.3 million other people in the United States (approximately 4% of the population), he struggled helplessly with the physical, emotional, social, and financial impact that gout left unchecked can have on your life. Prescription drugs were of limited help… And the terrible pain of regular gout attacks left him unable to enjoy even the simplest daily pleasures. His marriage was suffering. His finances were spiraling due to the impact gout had on his ability to work. And maintaining a social life was often nearly impossible. Tophi surgeries left him in terrible pain. And he found himself depressed … and angry … that gout was stealing years of his life.
Until one day, after hundreds of hours of research and self-experimentation, Bert finally had a breakthrough and created a blueprint for a way of living that would prove to be “the answer” to living gout-free for nearly a decade now. Today, Bert and his “Gout Wife” Sharon devote their evenings and weekends to educating other gout sufferers on how to live the gout-free lifestyle. Showing others his 911 Emergency Response Gout Recovery Plan for getting PAINFUL gout attacks under control in as little as 4 hours. And then, how to make daily choices that keep gout under control for GOOD! So you can finally start LIVING again!